Flexible Liner Underground Technologies

Most Recent
FLUTe prices after Sept 21 2023.xlsx
​The applications of the Cased Hole Sampler and it variations 9-3-18
The FLUTe Cased Hole Sampler 8-24-18
New FLUTe Discrete Extraction Injection Liner 6-28-18
Advantages of Simultaneous Purging and Sampling-May 2018
Assessment of Packer Utility at EPA Region 2 - December 2017
FACT Method for a Continuous Contaminant Profile Presentation - NGWA October 2017
Advances in High Resolution Hydrologic Measurements - AIPG September 2017
A New Rapid Method for Measuring the Vertical Head Profile-Groundwater Journal 2016
AIPG-IH paper on FLUTe methods
FLUTe Quintet of GW methods
FLUTe technology summary
Open Hole Well Development Problems and Solutions
Why are FLUTe liners useful for karst
Preferred Boreholes for FLUTe Liners
The Full Use of FLUTe Technology in Fractured rock
Maximum Tension and Pressure Limits on Liners
Blank Liners
Sealing a Borehole with a Blank Liner
How deeply must a FLUTe blank liner be installed
The FLUTe Blank liner
FACT Method for a Continuous Contaminant Profile Presentation - NGWA October 2017
The FLUTe FACT Technique - Monique Beyer FACT thesis DTU
High Resolution Hydraulic Profiling and Groundwater Sampling
NAPL FLUTe presentation
NAPLs and DNAPLs that react with the NAPL FLUTe systems
Sonic Core NAPL FLUTe Procedure
Transmissivity Profiles
FLUTe profiling poster Battelle
FLUTe profiling tech. NGWA-EPA Maine Conference
GSA paper comparing FLUTe profiler to straddle packers
Keller et al_2013_Ground Water Journal
Liners and Packers Similarities and Differences NGWA Paper
Liners and Packers similarities and differences Portland ME
NGWA presentation on FLUTe Hydraulic Conductivity Profiler
Practical Use of Flexible Liner Transmissivity Profiling Results
Why and How FLUTe corrects the transient in Transmissivity profiles
Head Profiles
A New Rapid Method for Measuring the Vertical Head Profile-Groundwater Journal 2016
Advances in the Reverse Head Profiling Technique
Reverse Head Profiling Method
Water FLUTe and Shallow Water FLUTe
The Water FLUTe System
Cherry Parker Keller Water FLUTe NGWA GWMR Journal
Evolution of FLUTe Multi-level System
FLUTe air coupled transducer method
Unique Water FLUTe characteristics
Use of Pressure Transducers with Water FLUTe system
Water FLUTe sampling procedure. after May 2009
Water FLUTe sampling procedure. before May 2009
Shallow Water FLUTe Systems
Subsurface vault dimensions for Water FLUTe
Vadose FLUTe
Keller and Travis paper on absorber utility
Vadose FLUTe description
Karst Applications
Karst Problems and Flexible Liner Experience
Why are liners useful for karst
Grouting of casing in Karst with a borehole liner
Landfill Monitoring
1996 GSA Austin Invited paper on Landfill design
FLUTe Wells Under Landfills and Buildings
How well can landfills be monitored
Geophysical Applications
Flexible Liner Applications to Geophysical Measurements
Liner Augmentation of Horizontal Drilling