Flexible Liner Underground Technologies

Cased Hole Sampler (CHS)
The FLUTe CHS is an economical multilevel groundwater and vadose sampling system designed for use in cased 2 - 4"overburden and bedrock wells.
System Overview:
The new FLUTe Cased Hole Sampler is an inexpensive multilevel groundwater sampling system designed to for groundwater sampling in cased 2-4" overburden and bedrock wells. Constructed in a different manner than our traditional multilevel systems, the CHS is lowered into a place within a PVC well, instead of being everted into an open borehole. Sampling screens are located at multiple intervals on the CHS, which corresponds with the screen depths of the PVC well. The system is easily installed by the customer in minutes and allows for development of all sampling intervals and simultaneous sampling and purging.
Installation: The FLUTe CHS can be installed in 2-4" cased overburden and bedrock wells. The installation procedure is easy and can therefore be completed by the customer, without FLUTe on site, in under 30 minutes. For a PDF file with installation specifics in open boreholes, click here.
Sampling Intervals: All samples collected from the FLUTe CHS are drawn directly from the formation, with no issues of potential for cross contamination or leakage as possible with packer based multi-level systems. The FLUTE CHS is capable of many ports per borehole depending on the hole diameter and all intervals can be sampled and purged simultaneously.
Head Measurements: The water table depth at each port can be measured with a FLUTe vacuum water level meter system. For continuous head measurements at each port, an air couple transducer (ACT) system can be used with a simple surface connection. The transducers are located in the surface casing for easy access for reuse, replacement or repair.
Well Completion: Prior to installation of the FLUTe CHS, a traditional multi-screened PVC well should be installed by the driller. Bentonite should be used to isolate screen sections and sand used as backfill.
Warranty and Removability: The FLUTe CHS system is fully warrantied and removable for other use of the borehole or easy abandonment by grouting the borehole. The system can be used for artesian situations with a heavy mud fill. Whereas the system can be used for a variety of borehole depths, the Standard Water FLUTe system is better suited for boreholes more than 200 ft deep or for deeper water tables.