Flexible Liner Underground Technologies

Blank Liner Procedures
Blank liner installation procedures
Whereas FLUTe personnel are most experienced in the installation of blank liners, it has become more common for our customers to install their own blank liners. This is especially convenient for installing sealing liners immediately after a borehole is completed and preferably after the borehole has been well developed, if the natural flow paths in the formation are important to the use of the borehole. Many drilling companies have now gained experience with FLUTe blank liner installations and removals. However, not everyone in each drilling company has the same amount of training and experience. It is important to assure that an experienced individual will be doing the installation or removal.
Blank Liner Installation Information:
Blank Liner Installation Procedure
How Deeply Must a liner be Installed in a Borehole?
Maximum Liner Tension and Pressure Limits
FLUTe has developed a 55 minute video teaching the proper blank liner installation and removal procedures using FLUTe’s ancillary equipment. A blank liner can be installed directly from the shipping reel, but it requires special care and equipment to remove a blank liner. For a copy of the video, please contact us. If preferred, FLUTe can provide assistance with the installation and removal of blank liners. If there are any uncertainties about an installation or removal, FLUTe should be contacted for guidance.
Blank liner use with other borehole measurements
It is often convenient for all the boreholes to be completed and sealed with a liner before the geophysical, or other, measurements are performed. A common practice is to complete the drilling and sealing of all the boreholes and to then invite FLUTe to remove a liner for the geophysical measurements while FLUTe then removes a second liner. Then the geophysics crew moves to the second hole while FLUTe preforms the reinstallation of the first liner with a transmissivity profile measurement. FLUTe then removes the third liner, and then reinstalls the second liner, etc... In this manner, both the FLUTe transmissivity profiles and geophysical measurements are done in one mobilization with substantial cost savings. It has been found that the blank liner removal can be helpful to the better development of the borehole. Click here for a number of solutions to risky open borehole development.
Another alternative is for the geophysics, and perhaps packer testing, to be done before the borehole is sealed with a liner, but in that case, the boreholes are open longer for cross connecting flow.
The above procedures do not conveniently allow for packer testing. If a multi-level system is to be installed, packer testing for contaminant assessment may not be necessary and the time the borehole is open is minimized.